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Scalp micropigmentation shaved effect 2017-10-04T20:05:53+02:00

Scalp micropigmentation:
the shaved effect

Scalp micropigmentation is a technique that can achieve a trompe l’oeil shaved effect. Thus, by tattooing tiny dots on the skull, it is possible to get a shaved effect suggesting a hair regrowth.

This technique is particularly indicated for people suffering from significant or complete baldness. Indeed, when hair grafting is no longer feasible, scalp micropigmentation is the only solution offering permanent results.

Scalp micropigmentation will improve the glabrous appearance of the scalp and create a new frontal line in one session. The results are particularly natural and do not prevent the regrowth of the hair.

Recreating a natural front line requires excellent artistic and anatomical knowledge. Many examples of our realisations are available in our portfolio.

Before / After

How is a session?

Scalp micropigmentation does not require any special preparation. However, unlike a redensification (or filling)session you may be asked to shave your head before a shaved effect micropigmentation session.

After having defined with you and drawn your frontal line, pigmentation of the scalp is practiced with softness and under local anesthesia. To do this, sterile medical pigments are introduced into the near dermis with a dermographic pen. This single use needle is very thin and only used for the pigmentation of the scalp. The depth of introduction of the pigment varies according to the skin.

Scalp micropigmentation will bring you a very natural and refined result, in the color of your hair. Another advantage of this innovative technique is that scalp micropigmentation does not require any convalescence period. Thus, the patient can resume normal activity at the end of the session.

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